Thursday, May 17, 2007

Yay! I have nothing to wear!!!

I never thought that would be a good thing, I also never thought losing weight could have a downside (though it's very small downside).
Two weeks ago I bought a belt, it was the first time in many years that it was actually to hold my pants from falling down, let me tell you, it was very rewarding and exciting.

Now I am facing a new "dilema" (lol), even with the belt, the pants are looking a little silly. I look as if I am trying to dress like my 19 year old brother with big baggy pants. It isn't entirely flattering but I am loving it none the less.

Shopping for clothes has become a LOT more enjoyable then it's been in a long time, though I may have to get a couple more jobs in order to start rebuilding my wardrobe.

As a testament to my success, most people know that if you don't see someone for a long time you will notice their weight loss (or gain for that matter) much more. I have actually hit a point where the people I work with, who see me daily, have started to notice.

I doubt I'll ever post before and after photos but for the low one time fee of $29.99 I'll share my secrets with you too!


At 11:56 AM, Blogger TR said...

Hmmm, it's been awhile since I've seen you. Can't wait to see your weight! lol See you on the 9th you sexy mama! *muah*


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