Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Boycott Snow Buddies

I heard about this last week I think but just remembered it again.
A movie, Air Buddies, was being filmed here in Vancouver and from what I gather the main story line involves some golden retriever puppies.
First of all, this companies manages to get more then 22-6 week old golden retriever puppies at the same time.
Now if I learned one thing from reading about dogs (namely pit bulls) it was a bit about responsible breeding. No responsible breeder would have 2 or more puppies on the ground at one time. Responsible breeders would not generally have more then one litter, per mother, each 2 years; and those puppies would be kept with their mother and littermates until 8 weeks (not shipped to another country without shots etc).
So there's one strike against them.
Then they bring the dogs into Canada and house them (without shots) with some other older dogs, more then puppies got sick and in the end, 2 died. It could have been any of a number of various illnesses which require puppies to have shots before they're allowed to interact with other dogs, several people are looking into this including the Vancouver SPCA but there are US laws that clearly state you can not ship puppies for commercial use before 8 weeks old, Disney specifically requested 6-7 week old puppies.
What shocked me was when I visited the breeder's website the first thing on there is a screen shot of a news cast talking about the film Air bud/dies and the breeders who provided the puppies.
Anyways, you can bet your bottom dollar we won't be seeing this film, or any of it's predecessors. Hopefully as the movie is nearing release there will be a renewed media interest and others will boycott it too.


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