Thursday, March 08, 2007

PETA kills animals

First they said they though pit bulls should be banned, I thought 'you assholes', then they argued for 'total animal liberation'; that means no house pets, no guide dogs, no companion animals NOTHING.
Then the really nasty truth came out, PETA actually kills animals, a LOT of animals. They also do it in the most underhanded way, last year 2 PETA staff members were going to people's homes, to shelters and to veterinary offices and picking up animals under the guise of adopting them out. What was actually happening was that they had a case full of illegal substances used to kill animals, and then to add the final insult to this terrible injury they dumped the animals in a f*&#ing DUMPSTER at a MALL!!!!
I'll let you go to the site that the title links to because there is to much to post, and I am already struggling to keep this as cuss-free as possible, but here's a few factoids for you to ponder.
HERE is the official paperwork in case you think it's bullshit

In the second half of '98 - 72.6 of all animals received by PETA were killed
In 1999 - 73.6% of the 943 received animals were killed
In 2000 - 75.6% of 1,805 were killed
In 2001 - 72.4% of 2,685 were killed
In 2002 - 85.7% of 2,680 were killed
In 2003 - 85.9% of 2,224 were killed
In 2004 - 86.3 % of 2,640 were killed
And in 2005 90.7% of received animals were killed.

You may notice a trend that is heading upwards. While there are animals that need to be euthanized because of suffering or injury, people have stepped forward, including vets, to say that they have turned over perfectly healthy puppies and kittens that were subsequently killed by PETA (which incidentally does not have ANY staff member -including the 2 which brought this into the open- who are trained or legally authorized to euthanize animals.

There's also the nearly $10,000 walk in freezer that was purchased to store the dead animals before they were sent off to a contracted facility to be incinerated.

I hope you'll take a minute to peruse the site, then of course there is the small issue about Pamela Anderson, I think she's great, I'm proud that she's Canadian but I don't buy for one second that she hasn't taken a Hep C treatment that was at some point tested on animals.
I think this may be one more (of too many) case of so-called 'charities' that get too big for their britches and become corporations.


At 9:00 PM, Blogger Ryann said...

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr oh that just makes me sick.


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