Thursday, March 15, 2007

Do you have a word you just can't stand?

Have you got a word that could drive you to the edge?

I know a lot of people do. A lot of people find various curse words offensive. I admit I have a rather strong potty mouth, I am usually pretty good about controlling it when needed, but sometimes (like with friends and drinking) I let it run rampant.

There is really no swear word I won't use, some I do reserve for very special occasions (you can probably imagine what they might be) but I don't really get offended when I hear other people cussing.

I have one word that could drive me to violence and it's not even a cuss. I cringe when I hear it, I want to commit violent acts against people who use it.
I know posting this will encourage certain people who read this to use it with wild abandon in the hope of watching me flip my lid but they won't, I've spent too much time and money improving myself and my outlook on life to give them that satisfaction.

I'm not all that fond of the word whore. but the word I really hate is Junkie.

I have noticed an increase in the use of this word in the newspapers. It appears though that I have been able to enlighten some of the local reporters (eloquently and politely) to the connotations that word has, and that using it negates from any good work they may be doing (in my eyes at the very least).

So far every reporter who I have emailed to express my dissapointment in their use of the word have been very open and receptive. Most have said they weren't aware of how it would make people feel and they would refrain from using it along with asking what a better term was, and you know what? I read a later article by one of said reporters and I kid you not, he had replaced the word with the suggestion I gave him


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