Saturday, October 28, 2006

School fees, the school can keep mine.

I have a question, am I the only person who doesn't mind paying school fees?
I admit that to make a fair judgment on whether it's worth it I would need to see the salaries for the staff that don't work in schools, the job description and pay rates of the school board office staff, but unless they are earning 6 and 7 digit salaries I don't think most districts schools are wasting their money.
Why do parents want to run the school districts out of business under the guise of fighting for the free education everyone is entitled to. They also don't want to pay the increased taxes that would be needed to offset the fees. They want to go to staples to buy their school supplies, I think they may want the teachers to earn less money, after all, we saw how few supported them during the strike last fall. I understand some of where the high school parents are coming from, but not all of it.
So what do these parents think will happen when the schools can't afford to run?
I suspect it will involve private schools, I don't know if people know this but it costs a lot more then public school.
I personally would rather pay $30.00 per year plus $5.00 for the agenda then $15,00 or even more.
$35.00 < $15,000.00
What do you think?


At 11:36 PM, Blogger spicey pineapple said...

i totally agree with you, and if you consider the price of university which is so much more i totally agree, i mean 40 dollars is nothing whrn your looking at a 50,000 dollar course after 4 years


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